Sunday, April 29, 2007

I'm Ready

The Lord is so good to me! Today at my home church in Glenbush Sk, the Hoffnungsfelder Mennonite Church, they had a commissioning service for Paul, who's going to North Africa, and me. It is such a blessing to have the support of my church family and my family family. (My mom is hemming my scrubs as I write.)
My bags are packed and I'm ready to go. My family has been so helpful; I'm sure I haven't forgotten anything. I've decided to take 2 bags instead of one. I have a big backpack and a suitcase. I may end up using the large back pack as an extra carry on once I get to South Africa, as they only allow one checked bag, as far as I understand. It'll be an adventure and I'll let you know how everything works out.


Erica said...

Hey Rebecca! I'm so excited for you... I hope everything works out with your bags!!! God is good and in the rough stuff, you'll know that Goodness even further... I will be praying for you and wish you all the best!

Carolyn said...

Hi Rebecca, I am so excited for you... for the ways that God is going to build character in you and for the ways he is going to use you! May you continue to be a blessing to others!

Pre-natal Clinic at Rio da Huila

Pre-natal Clinic at Rio da Huila
This is me and my chara (person with the same name as me). She is a nursing student in Lubango and spent her holidays at the clinic getting some hands on experience. I was able to teach her how to measure bellies and find heart rates. It was really exciting to see her face light up as she felt the baby.

Pre-natal Clinic at Rio da Huila

Pre-natal Clinic at Rio da Huila
This is a traditional olumhuila lady. Her many beads are a sign of her wealth and status within her village.

My friend Fernando

My friend Fernando