Sunday, April 29, 2007

I'm Ready

The Lord is so good to me! Today at my home church in Glenbush Sk, the Hoffnungsfelder Mennonite Church, they had a commissioning service for Paul, who's going to North Africa, and me. It is such a blessing to have the support of my church family and my family family. (My mom is hemming my scrubs as I write.)
My bags are packed and I'm ready to go. My family has been so helpful; I'm sure I haven't forgotten anything. I've decided to take 2 bags instead of one. I have a big backpack and a suitcase. I may end up using the large back pack as an extra carry on once I get to South Africa, as they only allow one checked bag, as far as I understand. It'll be an adventure and I'll let you know how everything works out.

Friday, April 27, 2007

The end! or perhaps the beginning...

I have finished my last final. It feels good to be done. this year has been great, as I have learned lots and made lots of new friends. School was rather enjoyable most of the time, except when I was madly studying!
Now, I must move on and transition rather quickly into preparing for Angola. I leave on Monday, April 30. Only 3 more sleeps! Right now I'm at my parents farm, I'll be here until I leave on Monday.
On Wednesday I finished packing my suitcase or so I thought. I was rather shocked when I put in everything I had wanted to pack (and more) and my suitcase closed with very little difficulty. I did not realize there was a problem until I lifted it up. It was rather heavy but I thought all of my time spent studying has meant that my muscles have wasted away to nothing. I packed it in my car and drove home. My brother, Stephen, helped carry my suitcase to the house. He stated that it weighed 75 lbs (purely estimation). Upon calculating its weight I have discovered it weighs 75 lbs. I think I can bring 44 lbs. I have a little work to do in the next few days!
Thank-you to all of you who are praying for me, I have been so blessed and encouraged by your support! God bless!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Nearing the End!

Hello folks!
I have now written 5 exams and I only have one more left. Biology 110 on Friday at 9:00 am that means I will be done my first year of University as of Friday 12:00 noon! This year has gone by so fast I'm shocked.
You may know the song "Johnny Appleseed" well today is a great day for me to sing that particular song especially the beginning. It goes like this, " Oh, the Lord is good to me and so I thank the Lord, for giving me the things I need..." You see I now I have someone to sublet my apartment for the whole summer and my English exam is over (which I was not looking forward to but it went well). I have almost everything I need in my suitcase and their appears to be a little room left! I am amazed. Tomorrow Cassidy, my roommate, and I will clean the apartment and prepare to move out. My tickets are booked I leave for Toronto monday, April 30.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

It's been a long time since I've informed the world that I'm still alive! Not only am I alive I am doing well. I have finished 3 exams and I only have 3 more left to go! Next Friday I will be done my first year of Univeristy.
This last monday April 16, I wrote the MCAT, which is the Medical College of Admissions Test. Thank-you very much to all of you who prayed for me. If I pass this test I can apply to go to medical school. The test was a grueling 4 hours and 20 minutes with 3 ten minute breaks. It covers general physics, general chemistry, biology, organic chemistry, 2 essay questions and verbal reasoning. I felt the test was pretty difficult but I will find out in 27 days if I passed or failed.
Plans for Angola are coming together. I am half way packed, I have all of my immunizations that I need and I have my plane tickets but no visa. Lord willing everything will continue to come together.
I've been reminded constantly that God's hand is at work in my life. Everywhere I go people offer to pray for me and support me in going to Angola. The first travel nurse I went to was a Christian and offered to pray and to get her kids to pray for me, yesterday I went out for breakfast with my mom and we met one of my friends who I worked with at Redberry Bible Camp and she also offered to pray for me. Why did we go to that restaurant or how did I get that travel nurse? It's definitely God's work, may He be praised!

Pre-natal Clinic at Rio da Huila

Pre-natal Clinic at Rio da Huila
This is me and my chara (person with the same name as me). She is a nursing student in Lubango and spent her holidays at the clinic getting some hands on experience. I was able to teach her how to measure bellies and find heart rates. It was really exciting to see her face light up as she felt the baby.

Pre-natal Clinic at Rio da Huila

Pre-natal Clinic at Rio da Huila
This is a traditional olumhuila lady. Her many beads are a sign of her wealth and status within her village.

My friend Fernando

My friend Fernando