Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Killing some time!

I never had this problem in Lubango, always lots of things to do, places to go and people to see! Well now I sit in the Heathrow airport in London, and I have a little bit of excess time! The Lord has blessed me with safe and wonderful travels over the past 2 days. I only have one and a half days of travel left- 3 flights down 2 to go! I've been meeting a lot of interesting people- a Jehovah Witness missionary (boy is it interesting talking to them, I met a group of them on the way down to Angola as well) please pray that people will know the truth may they not be sucked into believing a lie. God is righteous, faithful and powerful He will prevail! Please pray for me as I visit with people. May I be able to speak truth in love and may I have wisdom in my words.
I love to see the fluffy white clouds out the window in London. I've had 3 months of beautiful cloudless blue skies so it's nice to see some diversity in the sky!
Love you all see you soon!

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Pre-natal Clinic at Rio da Huila

Pre-natal Clinic at Rio da Huila
This is me and my chara (person with the same name as me). She is a nursing student in Lubango and spent her holidays at the clinic getting some hands on experience. I was able to teach her how to measure bellies and find heart rates. It was really exciting to see her face light up as she felt the baby.

Pre-natal Clinic at Rio da Huila

Pre-natal Clinic at Rio da Huila
This is a traditional olumhuila lady. Her many beads are a sign of her wealth and status within her village.

My friend Fernando

My friend Fernando