Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Eu chegei. I've arrived.

That is I've arrived back in beautiful Saskatchewan; with its dynamic sky that looms above you and is constantly changing; with its beautiful green and golden fields and lush green trees; with its refreshing rain; and its relatively smooth roads. Angola is not far from my thoughts as I enjoy being with my family and getting into the routine of life here in my corner of Canada. There is something to be said for reliable electricity and hot running water!
God has truly blessed me in many ways, allow me to share one. I was assigned to register for my upcoming classes for the University of Saskatchewan on July 9th. I attempted that day to register and some of the classes I wanted to take were full. This was quite disheartening as I had my life planned out. However, God used this situation to remind me that He is good. So I worried over this (which really isn't a good idea) and prayed over this and asked others to pray too. I was hoping this class would be similar to the Angolan taxis- there's always room for one more. Well, as we prayed God listened. I got back in SK late last Wednesday. On Thursday I believe I sent an e-mail to some of the professors of the course. One of them was kind enough to lead me to the people in charge and they made a place for me in that class. Thank-you to those of you who prayed with me. It is wonderful to see God come through for me again and again. Not everything turns out as I planned and when it doesn't it usually turns out better!
Life on the farm is busy. There is no need for me to sit around and twittle my thumbs. Yesterday I baked until my wee little heart was content. I made muffins, cookies and cakes until the cows came home. I was taking a break by going for a walk. I was merrily walking along and picking flowers as I went- the clouds looked as if they threatened of rain but I didn't believe it was actually going to rain- well it did. Luckily my brother, Stephen, was coming home on his motorbike and gave me a lift. This sort of thing doesn't happen in Angola during the rainy season. O, may I assure you, if you wanted a ride they'd give you one, and if you wanted to pick flowers I'm sure you could BUT it wouldn't be raining.
Today I was able to get all 21 rolls of film developped. I'm willing to show you all of my pictures if you want to see! Just a peak of the Angola I saw and love.

1 comment:

Niki said...

Hey there! I just found your blog! Sounds like your trip was amazing! I love the pictures. Isn't it wonderful how God works?!

Pre-natal Clinic at Rio da Huila

Pre-natal Clinic at Rio da Huila
This is me and my chara (person with the same name as me). She is a nursing student in Lubango and spent her holidays at the clinic getting some hands on experience. I was able to teach her how to measure bellies and find heart rates. It was really exciting to see her face light up as she felt the baby.

Pre-natal Clinic at Rio da Huila

Pre-natal Clinic at Rio da Huila
This is a traditional olumhuila lady. Her many beads are a sign of her wealth and status within her village.

My friend Fernando

My friend Fernando